Having thought of my dear Scandinavian friends, I met over all these years, always by my side, never giving up on their little crazy Bavarian guy, not matter what, I had to listen to this song again, giving me strength once in a while, when I also struggle a little.
What should I say?
Was an honor, having met you heartful unicorns, flamingos & bunnies from the far North so many years ago, always in my heart, no matter what, if we meet, when we talk, it is the same, it always was and I keep you in my little Bavarian heart as a little treasure, not giving in yet.
And now, I will train a little, going to do shopping, proud & out, as I still can do in Germany, with my cool shopping bag, I got, when you left, going back, even if some people might be ofended and looking disgusted, them watching it to closely in the waiting line and I told Joe, if they realize, they really took a close look and these little pieces of art, created in the 50ties are nowadays are shown in galleries and museums all around the world, great art.
And I’ll keep singing your songs, not giving in.