Healthy food with fruits and vegetables is probably overrated, in the end the normal citizen will have to pay the bill, internet billionaires probably not caring so much about raising prices for daily, affordable and healthy food, but I wonder, when not enough steaks, fruits and vegetables will be available anymore for the 1st of July barbecue nor turkeys for Thanksgiving, also not from fields in the US, as there won’t be enough willing people to harvest the crop also anymore, charcoal prices going up, what the population will think about this development.
Also prices for wood and construction material, which is urgently needed to reconstruct the devasted areas at the east coast in North & South Carolina, Virginia and Florida will increase enormously the costs for rebuilding the houses in these devasted areas hit by brutal storms again and again, as well as the rebuilding of the urgently needed houses will be delayed and more expensive, as soon not many craftsmen will not be able to jump in to build them for citizens in need, as it seems.
So sad.