Dear Donald,

what should I say as you try to force me to buy one of your cars?

As we have still a decent network of public transportation in metropolitan agglomerations within Europe with a lot of century-old cities, grown over the last some thousand years with charming, narrow medival streets full of history and flair, like in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Germany and all over the continent, where are we suposed to park oversized & over motorized pickup trucks and SUVs, with most of the time only one driver and no passenger, stuck often in a traffic jam, consuming too much fuel, driving in circles after work for more than an hour searching desperately for a parking space already over 20 years ago?

I know, difficult to understand the specific needs of a single gay worker in a city center within Europe, as you probably have huge garages at Mar El Lago for a decent, stylish car collection, I must admit 😳🤔😉, as well as in the White House, but please understand, that I do not need an oversized cybertruck or a Chevrolet Suburban right now and as long as I earn my own money working hard, still capable to decide, where I wanna contribute with a little donation jumping in and once in a while also getting some gadget or eight new underwear for myself, without having to defend myself nor blaming anyone else, how and for which products he or she spends their hard-earned money, please let me decide for which products I would like to spend them.

I still remember, when a huge US supermarket chain closed their oversized megastores in Germany with partially the wrong product portfolio, too huge containers and bottles, which simply would not fit into European fridges, not having done their homework running a solidly researched market entry study before spending a lot of budget too quickly and too short-sighted to enter successfully new local markets, waving good-bye, when their management announced arrogantly as a fair well message before leaving, that the German customers simply were not ready yet for their concept, was simply epic, never forgot.

They did not have the right concept and products on shelves for a specific European market and no, not the customer has to adapt to the specific needs of a potential supplier, but the company would have to adapt to the specific needs of potential customers in new markets, if they want to grow successfully also there, it is as simple as that.

So, please don’t menace me anymore by trying to force me to buy a pick up truck, I don’t need at the moment, I still will buy almonds, pistachios and red wine from California, promised, as I have to gain some weight again to be able to stand reading your daily news and posts for the next four years, always ready for a cultivated chimney talk under elderly guys, promised.

PS: and yes, if I would buy again a car, it probably would be a Fiat 500 instead of a Chevi or a Cyber truck, flirt factor much higher on the motorway, heading down to Italy for a little Grand Tour full of new culinary impressions, history and art, simply try it out next time, worth going for it, broadens each time my horizon to get new input from other cultures and countries, what can be brought back to Germany and what we could improve at home.


Where are we supposed to park them?


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